Friday, March 6, 2020

Guide to Owning the SAT Math

Guide to Owning the SAT Math Huntington Learning Centers Guide to Owning the SAT Math Consisting of two multiple choice sections, the SAT math is an assessment of your knowledge and skills in both high school algebra and geometry. Understanding the format, assessed skills, and most frequently asked questions can help better prepare you for the exam and ultimately boost your score. The SAT math section consists of four different content strands, each with several different points of related content: Number and Operations: This section consists of arithmetic word problems, rational numbers, counting techniques, sets, number theory, sequences and series, and properties of integers. Algebra and Functions: This will test exponential properties, algebraic word problems, linear equations and inequalities, equations of lines, absolute value, algebraic expressions, radical and rational equations, direct and inverse variation, and algebraic functions and symbols. Geometry and Measurement: Focus will include volume of 3D shapes, area and perimeter of polygons and circles, Pythagorean Theorem properties, geometric visualization, coordinate geometry, transformations, similarity, and slope. Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability This section will focus on descriptive statistics (mean, median, and mode), probability, and data interpretation (tables and graphs). Knowledge is power! Understanding the assessed content and skills on the SAT is important, but using this information to enhance your preparation is even more vital. The staff at Huntington Learning Center is specially trained to help students succeed on the math section of the SAT and employs a variety of innovative methods to help you best prepare. They can be your trusted ally in the weeks and months leading up to the SAT exam and will ensure you are ready for test day. Some of our favorite test prep methods include: Takingpractice tests Practice tests allow our tutors to understand yourindividual strengths and areas of need. They also provide important informationto help create your personalized tutoring plan. Over time, these samepractice tests serve as progress monitoring tools so our staff can determine the areas in which you've made growth and which content areasrequire additional practice. Leading up to the exam day the practice testsmay be used to help you feel comfortable with the format of the SAT and asa simulation of the actual exam. Learninghow to use your resources Many students worry that they will be unableto remember important mathematical formulas and will struggle withanswering the questions. Don't worry! The SAT exam doesn't require you tomemorize any formulas. Often used formulas are included in the test bookletat the onset of each math section. It is your responsibility to choosewhich of these formulas should be used on individual items. This is just one example of using the included resources of the SAT to boost yourconfidence and your score. Each of your tutoring sessions will provideinstruction on how to use the test format to your advantage. Practicingspecific skills All of the already mentioned content strands andspecific skills are important. But our tutors understand how to prioritizeyour learning during the tutoring sessions. Using your assessment data andthe knowledge of which types of questions are most likely on the exam,your tutor will create specific goals for your SAT prep. For example, youmay have struggled with items about calculating slope on your practicetest. Our tutors understand that questions about slope appear on every SATexam and that you'll most likely be asked to find the slope of two orderedpairs. Using this knowledge you'll be specifically prepared for the most frequently asked questions and the content strands that you struggle with the most. If you are planning to take the SAT exam this school year now is a great time to begin your preparation. Contact a nearby Huntington Learning Center to learn more about our innovative tutoring methods and the benefits you will experience during your preparation for the SAT math section.

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